1507 Kyle St.
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Island City Assisted Living is affiliated with Eaton Rapids Medical Center . This means that when assisted living residents become ill or injured, our medical staff has all the resources of this major medical centers available.
Rest assured that if your loved one ever needs immediate medical care, you can count on the trained and experienced staff at Eaton Rapids Medical Center to provide it. ERMC has 20 licensed beds, a new emergency department, and specialty clinics with more than 30 specialists from the Lansing and Jackson, MI, areas. For more information about their relationship with us, call us today.
A sleep lab, nuclear medicine, MRI, and CT services are among the many diagnostic tools available here in Eaton Rapids, MI. For more information about ERMC hospital, services, and physicians, please visit www.EatonRapidsMedicalCenter.org.
While any place away from home won’t be, can’t be perfect, Island City Assisted Living comes pretty darn close! We are thankful for the past 7 years of love, caring and support for our family, not just my dad, but his entire family. We are happy the move was not the end for dad, but rather a place where we know he is safe, loved and well cared for! Thanks Island City Assisted Living staff, ALL of you, the management team, the care staff, the kitchen staff, the cleaning crew and anyone we may have missed. We appreciate each and every one of you!
Jerry and Kris Haley
Additional Hours by Appointment
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